The programme provides 30-50% grants (max. Euro 200,000) to selected projects proposed by a European company and their subsidiaries in developing, emerging and transition economies. The programme is funded by the German government and administered by its agencies DEG, GIZ and sequa. These agencies hold ideas competitions four times a year for the programme.
Projects can be presented in two categories:
- topic: each year the implementing agencies set specific topics related to development-related problems. Currently DEG’s topics are renewable energy and resource and climate protection; GIZ’s focus is on raw materials, urban environment protection and rural development; and sequa regularly organises competitions in its core competencies of vocational training, education and qualification.
- innovation: is primarily open to innovative proposals for broad-impact ‘Base of the Pyramid’ business models.
To qualify for grant funding, a project needs to have the following features:
- The applicant is a company registered in Europe.
- The applicant is at least 3 years active, has at least 10 employees and a turnover exceeding Euro 1 million.
- The applicant has a long-term entrepreneurial commitment in the target country.
- The project will be implemented in a country on the list of BMZ (German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development).
- The project addresses one of the specific topics of develoPPP.topic or is innovative in other areas with important developmental impact potential.
Contact us to find out whether your project idea may qualify for programme.